-Tin Soldiers ( gen-feb 2018 IDEAMI4 Milano)
The collective unconscious has long embedded the notion of war, understood as attack and defence action triggered by the fear of subjection, revenge or desire of conquest and malfeasance.
It seems that the human consciousness and the memory of the past are not mature yet to the point that would enable to analyse the events with a deeper understanding.
Elena Siniscalchi, in her series “Tin Soldiers”(prints on Japanese paper) proposes a reflection on the war, an observation of history through a traditional toy-symbol.
In contrast with the previous series, “Hockey Players”, in which the photographer caught an interplay and dance between players while analysing gesture rituality, here we have the objects as protagonists and the accent is put on their static nature and pretense.
The tin soldier here is nothing more than a metaphor of the man, a poetic image, an icon of our imaginary.
Thus, the exhibition presents an anti-hero, who, like Andersen’s “intrepid tin soldier” shows limitation in its condition, which does not allow him to communicate truly and freely. Similarly, humans are often resigned to a role that does not allow them to access a freer dimension of real interchange between parts, because of identification or obligation to a significantly more limited role.
-Hockey Players exhibited in February and march 2016 at RAW, Milan
The photographic images were taken in an open space, using natural light.
In hockey, the author envisions the ongoing display of gestures.
In these images, contraposition and synchronization between players can be observed. The players engage in a silent dialogue with elegance and lightness in a timeless space.
In the white ice, their silhouettes resemble harmonious ideograms that belong to the collective imagination.
-Silent voices, hearing through the eyes , Spazio Oberdan, Milano sept-oct 2011
The author turns her attention to sign language. Forty portraits of children who tell fairy tales such as red riding hood, express feelings and abstract concepts. The characters use a complete iconic language consisting of grammar and syntax that reveals the origin of language and communication.
-Mothering and Mirroring is the title of a photographic project on infantile communication that wasn’t exhibited yet.
The thread that links mother and child is an invisible mirror: one is the mirror of the other in a game of symbiosis and reciprocity that allows the initiation of a communication without words.
The images search for the intimacy of a conversation that has just started. They access an infinite space of two extraneous individuals who are getting to know each other through gestures. The gestures follow a rituality, a pattern guided by the mother since the very beginning.
The mother’s face is a complex sphere of signs that the child will soon learn to interpret.
To understand each other, mother and child engage in a reciprocal game of identification. Their face expressions are often aligned and show similar moods.
-Autism InsideOut is a project about a group of “invisible” people and their pure and profound consciousness: the hidden world of autism.
The aim of the exhibition is to dispel the idea that individuals with autism do not communicate and completely cut off from the outside world.
The photographer has captured the expressions that form part of their non-verbal language.
Many small gestures and the intense looks can be noticed in the pictures.
With their deep and present eyes they scrutinize the interlocutor and search for approval
-feb/mar 2016 “HOCKEY PLAYERS” at Raw Milan
- sept. 2011/ oct. 2011 Exhibition “VOCI DAL SILENZIO, sentire con lo sguardo”, at Spazio Oberdan, Milano (a project which deals with deaf children speaking Italian Sign Language)
- sept. 2010 Exhibit “LA MELODIA DEI GESTI” (children’s body gestures while they are playing violine) IFD Gallery, Milan
- dec. 2007 Pictures of the play “The best drug for me” directed by Ruth Shammah, Teatro Franco Parenti, Milan (a one woman show written by Kai Hensel and performed by Anna Galiena)
- mar. 2006 Pictures of ” THE LOVER” (Harold Pinter) directed by Ruth Shammah, performed by Margherita di Rauso Teatro franco Parenti, Milano.